Cartel of Defiance

cartel of defiance (noun): 1. In medieval combat, a formal declaration, delivered by herald, of a combatant's intention to fight and refusal to submit. 2. An electronic assemblage of engaged and enraged citizens. 3. An intertextual mode of reading, writing, and thinking that puts the current political, cultural, and personal moment in dialogue with text/art from the past in counterargument to the ahistorical Memory Hole into which America seems to have slipped.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


"It's not a secret. I care a lot about the spread of freedom and democracy," Wolfowitz said. -- 27th and 28th sentence, Wolfowitz Picked for World Bank , Washington Post, March 17 ("President Bush said yesterday that he has chosen Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz, a key architect of the Iraq war, as the U.S. nominee to head the World Bank.")

In Egypt, he alleges, he was hung by his arms from hooks, shocked, nearly drowned and brutally beaten. -- 38th sentence, CIA's Assurances On Transferred Suspects Doubted , Washington Post, March 17 ("The system the CIA relies on to ensure that the suspected terrorists it transfers to other countries will not be tortured has been ineffective and virtually impossible to monitor, according to current and former intelligence officers and lawyers, as well as counterterrorism officials who have participated in or reviewed the practice.")


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